Trademark services
- Advising and search for earlier rights
- Preparation and filing of trademark applications in Latvia, EU, UK and other countries in accordance with national and international procedures
- Reminders about trademark registration deadlines and renewal of registration
- Registration of changes in trademark applications and registrations
- Preparation and registering Transfer of Rights and License Agreements
- C&D letters and negotiation
- Representation of the client in connection with the protection of trademark rights in the opposition procedures at Board of Appeal, court or state institutions
- Negotiations (mediation)
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industrial design services
- Advising
- Design applications in Latvia, EU, UK and others
countries in accordance with national and international procedures - Reminders about design registration deadlines and renewal of registration
- Registration of changes in design applications and registrations
- Preparation and registration of Transfer of Rights and License Agreements
- C&D letters and negotiation
- Representing a client in connection with the protection of design rights in invalidity proceedings before a Board of Appeal, a court or a public authority
- Negotiation (mediation)
patent services
- Validation of European patents in Latvia
- Annuity payments for patent maintenance
- Registration of amendments in patent registrations
- Preparation and registration of Transfer of Rights and License Agreements
- C&D letters and negotiation (mediation)
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Learn more about intellectual property
Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce
A trademark is a sign capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one enterprise from those of other enterprises.
Registration procedure gives its owner an exclusive right to prohibit unsanctioned use of mark by third party
The essential function that they perform is different.
- A design is essentially intended to determine the shape of a product.
- The main function of a trade mark is to identify a particular trade origin in connection with specific goods and/or services.
The registration is valid for 10 years, but can be renewed again and again for a new period of 10 years. A trademark can be protected indefinitely.